The trend on Friday clearly ushered in signs of cautious sentiment warming. In the previous two Fridays, the volume rose and closed. Today, after the volume fell, more than 4,400 stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fell, and domestic capital sold 98.222 billion yuan, causing the market to fall by 3,400 points. Obviously, the yinxian line in the index fell, and the strength of the support in the field also weakened.A-share: The late session plunged again, sending two messages. What is the market worried about?A-share: The late session plunged again, sending two messages. What is the market worried about?
However, A shares also experienced a downward trend of 3,500 points in November, and the current downward trend is still within the shock range. Give the market some time to digest the recent news, and the trend will still fall back and then fluctuate higher.In addition, the index that fell more than 2% today, such as GEM, GEM 200, SZSE 300, SSE 50 and CSI 300, is expanding its decline. This means that large funds are also stepping up their efforts to flow out of funds. Until the end of the session, there is still no sign that the selling of large funds has weakened, resulting in a further sharp drop in the market.The first message, near the weekend, investors are worried about the uncertainty of weekend news. After all, the A50 index has fallen by 2.5% today. After the A-share market closed, A50 did not stop falling. Obviously, foreign capital seems to be more cautious about the current market.
2. Although the market is running above 3,200 points, since October, the daily active transactions of A-shares have always been difficult to break through 3,600 points. It is not excluded that the large capital transfer has not yet been put in place.The second message is that the D sector, which fell by more than 2% today, accounted for nearly half. The aviation, brewing, brokerage, software services and other sectors are all sectors that rose at 3227 points in the current round of the market.Write it at the end